SASP2019 annual meeting
- 1 Dec 2018
You are invited to be a part of the annual scientific meeting for the Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain (SASP), in Oslo April 3-5 2019.
Send you poster abstracts and apply for travel grants before : January 15th.
You are invited to be a part of the annual scientific meeting for the Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain (SASP).
Abstract deadline: January 15th.
A travel grant of SEK 3750 will be awarded to 4 eligible applicants from the Scandinavian countries participating in the SASP Meeting (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). Deadline : January 15th
Foto: Melkeveien/AdobeStock
The aim of this conference will be to identify major research questions in the field of pain, in particular questions that transcend traditional disciplinary and methodological boundaries.
The congress will feature two innovative concepts. We will have one separate workshop for patient and public representatives, and a special session for senior researchers presenting their research groups in a Resource market.
You can find more information about the congress, deadlines and travel awards at
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Best wishes from the SASP board and the local organizing committee of SASP2019