SASP annual meeting program
SASP annual meeting
Focused topics: Clinical pain research and human experimental research with reference to basic sciences
Conference topics: Musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain and cancer pain. Treatment of pain including non pharmacological approaches
Day 1 April 7 2014
Get together at National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI), Gydas vei 8, Oslo
Day 2 April 8 2014
0900-0930 Conference opening (Audun Stubhaug and Cecilie Røe). Introduction to SASP (Nanna Finnerup)
0930-1010 Chronic pain- the invisible disease? Imaging studies of chronic painful processes in peripheral tissues- Magnus Peterson.
1010-1025 Break-Coffee
1025-1105 Central sensitization in relation to musculoskeletal pain- Ole K Andersen
1105-1145 Risk factors and mechanisms of persistent post-surgical pain– Julie Bruce.
1145-1225 Acute pain follow-up clinic-the Helsinki experience- Katri Hamunen
1225-1315 Lunch /exhibition
1315-1355 Three short talks by Phd students (selected from the posters)
1355-1435 Coffee and General Assembly
1435-1515 Neuropathic pain- from mechanisms to clinical diagnosis- Rolf-Detlef Treede
1515-1555 Musculoskeletal pain - assessment, mechanisms and implications-Thomas Graven Nielsen
1600 -1745 Poster sessions and Exhibitions
1800 Transport to Ekebergparken and Conference Dinner
Day 3 April 9 2014
0900-0940 CPRS - facts instead of myths - Frank Birklein
0940-1020 Questionnaires versus clinical examination for classification of neuropathic pain- Per Hansson
1020-1050 Guidelines to treatment of neuropathic pain- Nanna Finnerup
1050-1110 Break
1110-1130 Scandinavian Journal of Pain- Harald Breivik
1130-1215 The psychologists’s role and tools in the interdisciplinary pain clinic- Chris Eccleston
1215-1315 Lunch. Exhibition
1315-1345 Late effects in cancer survivors- mechanisms and treatment -Jon Håvard Loge
1345-1415 Spinal opioids in adult patients with cancer pain –Ulf E. Kongsgaard
1415-1445 Treatment of persistent pain and fatigue in cancer survivors
1445-1500 Closing notes